Tuesday, March 20, 2007

3-20-07 The Lost Coin "Luke 15:8-10"

Memory Verse: Luke 15:10 Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.

The shepherd sought for a sheep that was lost and carried it home on his shoulders rejoicing.

The woman searched her house for a lost coin and called her friends together so that they could rejoice with her over the finding of the coin that had been lost.

The prodigal returned home and the father met him and called for the killing of the fatted calf and a great time of the rejoicing.

All three parables major on the rejoicing that takes place when the lost is found. And the lesson is clear: heaven rejoices when lost people come to Christ and when backsliders return.

We can have a part in reaching lost people. In his book, "Notes On The Parables Of Our Lord," Richard Trench suggests that the light which the woman uses to find the lost coin is the Word of God, saying: ". . . and it is by this light that sinners are found." Our responsibility then becomes that of holding the light . . . the Bible . . . so that those in need of the Saviour may come to Him.

God's Word is powerful. We do not need to defend it . . . just use it. And as we share its message with others the glad scene of salvation will take place again and again.

People often ask if those in heaven know what is going on here below. We can be sure that they know whenever one is born again for there is such rejoicing in heaven that there could be no mistake as to the reason.

Make heaven glad.
Tell someone about Jesus!

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