Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I will be on vacation till June 1st

Friday, May 11, 2007

5-11-07 Personal Revival "Revelation 3:7-13"

Memory Verse: Revelation 3:13 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches.

Speaking at a large gathering for preachers, a prominent Christian educator said that one of the tragedies of this century is that no one living today has seen a great revival. There is a sense in which the speaker was right and another in which he was wrong. It is true that we have not witnessed a great nationwide revival where the churches have been filled with joyous revived believers with the resultant reaping of thousands of souls. On the other hand, many of us have seen genuine revival in individuals and have experienced it ourselves.

It is characteristic that God offers His blessings to all. When they are not accepted, a smaller group may benefit. It the few do not respond, that still cannot keep the individual from receiving God's best.

It would be wonderful to have a revival in the churches of the land that brought greater blessing than any great move of God in history. That is entirely possible -- but may not occur. If such a nationwide revival does not come, it does not mean that revival cannot come to your church. The Christians in your local church can lay aide all differences. They can set aside special times of prayer and claim the power of God for their needs. They can cultivate a compassion for people that sends them out to reach the lost. There can be a bond of love established between your pastor and his congregation that will put down all divisions and bickering. Joy can characterize all the services of your church. Sound great? It can happen.

However, if revival does not come to your church, you can experience personal revival. No one can keep you from having revival . . . except you!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

5-10-07 America's Greatest Revival "Isaiah 59:9-16"

Memory Verse: Isaiah 59:16 And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor; therefore hi arm brought salvation unto him; and his righteousness, it sustained him.

The beginning of America's greatest revival took place in New York City. A.C. Lanphier was working as a lay missionary in one of the crowded areas of the city. He often became discouraged, but drew strength from personal prayer. He thought others might be helped by joining him in prayer so he let it be known that he was starting a series of weekly noon-hour prayer meetings.

For the first half hour Mr. Lanphier prayed alone. Then, one by one, others came until a total of six were praying. The next week twenty appeared, and the third week brought forty. By spring more than twenty daily noon prayer meetings were going on in New York City. Some of the largest churches were crowded to capacity. The police and fire departments opened their buildings for prayer services. Revival had begun! It spread across the land.

In a Boston meeting, a man said: "I am from Omaha, Nebraska. On my journey here I found a continuous chain of prayer all the way." Mr. Lanphier's prayer meeting had set his nation afire for God.

The revival caused churches to spread across the frontier and mad them flourish in the cities. The moral fiber of the nation was strengthened. Old debits were paid. Honesty increased. Missionary work expanded.

Today, God must wonder that so few are interceding. We live twenty-four hours a day in the nuclear sights of an enemy bent on our destruction. Armageddon approaches. The signs of the Lord's return multiply. It's time to pray. You may start the prayer meeting that brings revival!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Going Away

I will be out of town until wed. afternoon. No devotional till thurs. morning

5-6-07 Power "Acts 4:1-12"

Memory Verse: Acts 4:4 Howbeit many of them which heard the word believed; and the number of the men was about five thousand.

The friends of Mary Slessor, missionary in Africa, were amazed when they saw that she, a weak woman, had been able to mold savage chiefs to her will. One of the chiefs explained, "You have evidently forgotten to take into account the woman's God."

The Psalmist wrote: "God hath spoken once,; twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God" (Psalm 62:11). Still, Christians often depend on weak will power to win in the struggles of life and churches run programs that are little different than those produced by worldly organizations. It is time to tap the powerful resources of God.

When all sin is confessed and our relationships will others are right, we can expect the power of God to flow through us. Our surrendered wills will be channels for the Lord to use. But our wills do not surrender easily Often old hurts are harbored and even pampered. Wanting our own way, we are afraid to submit to the will of God. Therefore we do not receive His best and we continue on our weak way.

Let's stop wasting time. The days of opportunity are coming to their close. Life is ebbing away. Christ is coming soon. It is not enough to read books and dream about the good old days when revivals swept the land. What about revival in our time?

Do you long for God's power in daily life? Would you like to see the aisles of your church filled with people seeking salvation and direction from the Bible? Then, be sure your heart is right with God and others. Pray for revival and expect the power of God in your life.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

5-5-07 Love "Acts 2:41-47"

Memory Verse: Acts 2:44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common.

A Columbian was converted to Christ through reading the Bible. He had no personal contact with any missionary or Bible-teaching church. Soon thereafter, he came to the United States to live. Upon arriving here, be began searching for a fellowship of believers so as to learn more about his newfound faith.

Most people converted in America have some tie to a Bible-centered church that provided them with immediate fellowship and spiritual guidance. My Columbian acquaintance did not have this advantage and the maze of multiplied churches and denominations was confusing to him. Finally he settled on a solution. He decided to search until he found a congregation where love, such as he saw described in the New Testament Church, was evident among the people. He felt confident that test would enable him to settle on the right church.

Nearly twenty years have passed since I learned that the Columbian convert's formula for finding fellowship. Yet, every time his experience crosses my mind I become a bit uncomfortable and an unwanted question surfaces: "If he had visited my church, we he have stayed and made it his own?"

When revival comes, Christian love is seen operating everywhere. Old differences are put away. People who have held grudges lay them aside and forgive as they have been forgiven. People become more important than money or property. Stinginess is stifled. The world looks on and says: "Behold, how they love one another!"

Friday, May 4, 2007

5-4-07 Revival & Rejoicing "Psalm 85"

Memory Verse: Psalm 85:6 Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?

Revival brings rejoicing! And all too many of us lack this quality of life. There is an attitude of hyper-criticism abroad today that saps the strength of churches and renders Christian testimonies ineffective.

Grumbling and griping characterize many groups of Christians. David wrote of his cup running over with joy, while present-day saints often appear to have cups running over with vinegar. Husbands grumble about their wives and wives about their husbands. Parents grumble about their children and children about their parents. In the world's most affluent society, many grumble about their possessions. And this by people who claim to serve and love the Lord who had not a place to lay His head.

Churches grumble about pastors. When the servant of the Lord first arrives, there is a period of honeymoon when the members boast about their new pastor, but after the newness wears off and he steps on a few toes while preaching, groups gather after services to have roast preacher. While holding meetings in one area and preaching on revival, one couple told me they would like to have revival in their church but were afraid if it came the pastor would stay, and they wanted him to leave. Such negativism must be confessed as sin before revival can come.

Revival brings rejoicing because in revival, people stop looking at the faults of others and, instead, focus on the Saviour. He is the source of Christian joy. Three words can bring revival and rejoicing: "Looking unto Jesus".

Thursday, May 3, 2007

5-3-07 Who Needs It? "Revelation 2:1-7"

Memory Verse: Revelation 2:5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.

Who needs revival?

A Christian who remembers a more spiritual time, needs revival. If there was ever a time when the Bible seemed more fresh, the walk with Christ more wonderful, prayer more powerful, or Christian fellowship sweeter, the need is revival.

A church that has known better days needs revival. If there ever was a time when the bonds of love were stronger, praise for God more fervent, heartfelt singing more evident, preaching more powerful, compassion for souls more generally true among the congregation, or zeal for service more abounding, the need is revival.

A Christian who has become callous, or cold, or critical, needs revival.
A Christian who has become weak, or wanton, or worldly, needs revival.

In deciding whether or not he needed revival, one young man took a sheet of paper and wrote these words across the top: "I am not a good Christian because . . . " He then asked the Lord to enable Him to fill in whatever was true. When he finished, he had filled four sheets of paper with his short comings. He decided he needed revival.

After speaking on soulwinning and other needs in the Christian life, two people came to me and said, "That is the way we used to live -- witnessing and serving the Lord constantly." Now they had cooled off. They needed revival.

Do you need revival?

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

5-2-07 Torrey's Prescription "II Chronicles 7:12-22"

Memory Verse: II Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Revival is something deeper than a week of meetings with an evangelist or an outstanding musical group packing in crowds to hear Gospel music. It cannot be the experience of the world. Revival has to do with bringing back life and is specifically the business of Christians.

Dr. R.A. Torrey, the famous revivalist, once said: "I can give a prescription that will bring a revival to any church or community or any city on earth:

"First, let a few Christians (they need not be many) get thoroughly right with God themselves. This is the prime essential. If this is not done, the rest that I am to say will come to nothing.

"Second, let them bind themselves together in a prayer group to pray for revival until God opens the heavens and comes down.

"Third, let them put themselves at the disposal of God for Him to use as He sees fit in winning others to Christ. That is all.

"This is sure to bring a revival to any church or community. I have given this prescription around the world. It has been taken by many churches and many communities, and in no instances has it ever failed; and it cannot fail!"

A mother once took her child to a doctor because of a raging fever. The doctor remembered he had seen the child for an illness only a few days earlier. Upon questioning the mother, he found she had not had the prescription filled that he had given her.

What are going to do with Dr. Torrey's prescription?

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

5-1-07 Revival "Habakkuk 2:18-3:2"

The Month of May's Study is: Revival

Memory Verse: Habakkuk 3:2 O LORD, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid: O LORD, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy.

"REVIVAL" is a misused word. It is often used to describe a series of meetings where genuine revival never takes place. Walter Boldt has written: "Revival is God at work, restoring His church to health." Revival must begin with the people of God.

Most Christians say they want a revival in America. Yet, revival is not legislated in Congress or decided in the halls of justice. Good or bad decisions by Government may affect the conduct of certain citizens but revival can only be experienced by Christians.

If we are to have revival, we must be willing to confess and forsake favorite sins. Those areas of constant defeat must be given to the Lord. You know the battlefield. Is it your thought life? Your tongue? Your temper? Tell Jesus. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (I John 1:9).

Also vital is our relationship with others. "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you" (Ephesians 4:31-32).

Revival is very personal. Gypsy Smith was asked how to start a revival. He answered: "Go home, lock yourself in your room and kneel down in the middle of the floor. Draw a chalk mark all around yourself and ask God to start a revival inside that chalk mark. When He has answered your prayer, the revival will be on."